

Harvest Issue, Oregon Leaf  /  Pilot Farm is a gorgeous, tier 2 recreational cannabis farm situated on the southern slope of Mount Ashland. The scenery is breathtaking; the first steps onto the property are met with a spectacular view of the valley just before the Oregon-California border.

Terraced rows of plants are situated in what the farm calls 'Machu Picchu,' the smaller, top portion of the canopy. We first ventured to the lower terrace which involved—I kid you not— a steep 10-minute quad ride down the treacherous, rocky slope. The upper and lower canopies are separated by roughly a mile and a half, but are located on the same address, making Pilot Farm one of the first and only OLCC licensed producers to have canopies separated a few miles apart.

The lower canopy had a north and a south plot filled with a large variety of Mountain Girl crosses. That strain does particularly well in the high elevation climate. The Pilot Farm rarely allows outside visitors, which helps keep the cannabis pest and disease free.

Each strain is grown in native soil with little to no additives or amendments, an effort to be completely sustainable... ( read more — pg 38-41 )